Sunday, December 6, 2015

Rallies to Expose CPS and FAMILY COURT Corruption #SaveTheChildren #EndSystematicCorruption

Time to fight back for parental rights, family unity and to stop the kidnapping of our children by the system. CPS and the Family Courts have created a criminal empire where they make money off of the pain and destruction of our families. They go after more families who are victims of false allegations than those who are a danger to children. They go after more single Black Fathers than anyone else due to bias and at times racial injustice. They will systematically kidnap a children from a family on welfare before they take an actually abused child of a privileged family. This proves Social Injustice. They contract adoption agencies to reach quotas for bonuses and incentives that their supervisors offer. This promotes Child Trafficking. So Take a Stand Against This Systematic Corruption and say that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Let's Expose their crimes against children and the
violation of civil, child and parental rights!!

#OpExposeCPS #SaveTheChildren #StopChildTrafficking #StopSystematicKidnappings

Date: Monday, December 14th
Location: ACS Brooklyn Main Office
19 Rogers Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Date: Tuesday, December 15th
Location: Kings County Family Court
330 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Date: Wednesday, December 16th
Location: NY Foundling Adoption Agency Queens Office
33-00 Northern Blvd. Long Island City, NY
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Date: Thursday, December 17th
Location: ACS Manhattan Regional Office
80 Maiden lane NY, NY
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Date: Friday, December 18th
Location: Manhattan Family Court
60 Lafayette St. NY, NY 10013
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Rules for the Rally:

1) No Drugs
2) No Alcohol
3) No Destruction of Property
4) No Entering onto their Property
5) No Violence

Our Job is to Bring Awareness to the Corruption,
Hold the Corrupt Accountable for their Criminal Actions and to Bring Change!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

#ProjectHungerNoMore on Nov. 27th, 2015 (Volunteer Today)


Each homeless person will receive a Brown Bag with Juice, Fruit and a Sandwich. This is more than they usually consume on a day to day basis.  The more volunteers we have the more we are able to feed.  The more donations we get the more expansive we can become and the more food choices and meal types we are able to provide them with. We serve the Five Borough of NYC and will be expanding to other Cities and States and Countries.
Giving is a Blessing. Being Selfless is a Priceless Trait.

- Volunteers: If you would like to be a Volunteer on this date send an email to or Text "PROJECT HUNGER NO MORE" to 347-816-9736 and someone will reply to you at their earliest convenience.

Volunteers will receive a Certificate of Participation for their involvement in out Community Service Effort.
We are also looking for monetary donations to expand our mission. Donation links are listed below:

Donate by Texting 4821180 to 715-803-4772

Follow Us:

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

#ProjectHungerNoMore - NYC (OCT 2015)


#ProjectHungerNoMore  is a mission that was created by Reverend R.A. Beckford of LIFEE Organization in partnership with SoSincere Entertainment.
We at L.I.F.E.E. Organization and SoSincere Entertainment are helping the homeless Men, Women and Children survive by assisting them instead of persecuting them unlike the Politicians of our city.
Date: Saturday October 17th, 2015 from 10am to 4pm.
Meet Up Time: 9:30am Sharp

Location: We will be meeting up in front of the BBQs on Flatbush and Nostrand. (2/5 Train to Flatbush Brooklyn College or B44/B41/B103 to Flatbush and Nostrand)

We will be going through Brooklyn and Manhattan and possibly the Bronx. (We are planning on expanding to other cities and states as well, with your support)
We are looking for a few volunteers to help us distribute PROJECT HUNGER NO MORE Lunch Bags (Consists of 1 Sandwich, Bag of Chips, 1 Bottle of Water and 1 Juice Box)
Giving is a Blessing. Being Selfless is a Priceless Trait.

- Volunteers: If you would like to be a Volunteer on this date send an email to or Text "HUNGER NO MORE" to 347-816-9736  and someone will reply to you at their earliest convenience.
*Volunteers will receive a Certificate of Appreciation for their involvement in out Community Service Effort.*

We are also looking for monetary donations to expand our mission. Donation links are listed below:

Donate by Texting 4821180 to 715-803-4772

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Breast Cancer Walk with L.I.F.E.E. ORGANIZATION

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Prospect Park
Wear something pink. Meet Up will be at Flatbush and Empire.
Check In Time: 8:30am
Walk Time: 10am
For more information email or Text 347-816-9736